Monday, July 2, 2012


I've always wanted to try this type of lifestyle. Living in a city. Walking everywhere. Learning public transportation. After being in Wellington for a few months (just short of five....already?!) I've decided that this is the perfect city to learn about 'city living'. Mind you Wellington isn't a big city, population just shy of 400,000, it's a city nonetheless. And, I'll just speak for myself, I'm smitten. I love the little cafes that are everywhere, the fact that you can walk most places in the city proper within an hour whether you're going to the ballet or to watch rugby or rollerderby.

Without a car, we walk. And walk. And walk. I've never walked so much in my life. And I can admit that sometimes I just don't want to but knowing that it's my only option I've adjusted my attitude accordingly. I do like the fact that we are forced to put one foot in front of the other if we want to do anything or go anywhere. I never walked much before because either it was logistically impossible or I didn't want to walk. Now it's a must and I love that.

With that said we've come to realize that instead of investing in a car, insurance, registration and petrol now we're investing in a different type of transportation: shoes. :) Below is our little footwear army - they put in the miles so we can hike the hill up to campus, go exploring, shopping, out for coffee, to watch rugby, etc. For that we say thank you. :)

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