Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sad but True...

Last night I decided to do something that I've been meaning to do for years: attend a yoga class. Tim and I recently joined a gym a few blocks from our flat in an effort to stay healthy. This particular gym, Exodus, offers the standard cardio machines and weights but we were really intrigued by the classes that they offer. As a formerly 'more flexible' person I figure yoga might help me regain elasticity. I arrived at the "Mind and Body Studio" wondering if I were making a big mistake. Having never done it before I had no idea what to expect. Shortly after I situated myself on a mat we began. Immediately, it became apparent that yoga is not for slouches. With abs, legs and arms aquiver I attempted to contort my body to approximate the movements that the instructor was demonstrating (effortlessly, of course). You should know that she wasn't breaking a sweat but I was. Me plus the group of beginners toward the back of the studio. While attempting to will myself to make it through I could hear the other newbies whimper/giggle, saying things like "this is not what I expected", "yoga is supposed to be easy". I couldn't help but laugh. Soon the class was coming to a close and I was sure of two things in life. One, I was proud to have survived the class. Two, I knew that I was going to be sore in the morning. I hate it when I'm right about things like this. The next day I woke up to the kind of sore muscles I've only ever experienced after an intense weight workout. Apparently, I don't use my back muscles for anything because they are, by far, the sorest of my muscle groups. Accordingly, my delusion that 'yoga is easy' was thoroughly smashed and I'm enjoying the new perspective. Can't wait till next week!!

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