Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It's almost a daily occurence in our household. When your washer and dryer are the same machine it makes it tricky to wash and dry several loads quickly. Before moving here I used to let it pile up and then spend a single day doing laundry. Ah, the decadence. Now I, lovingly, place about a third of what you might fit into any US washing machine and add a teaspoon of detergent. Yes, just a teaspoon and no I don't how that converts to metric. Still working on those sneaky conversions. They're everywhere here. :) After the washer has washed and the dryer kicks in the drying racks make an entrance in to the living room where they stand stoically, patiently waiting for the clothes, or towels or sheets to finish drying. Don't get me wrong - the dryer works. It just that it can't do any worthwhile drying when it's full. There isn't enough room in the drum for the air to circulate around the clothes. So it's necessary to remove some of the laundry, hang it up and let the remainder toss and turn in the dryer. I cannot describe how grateful I am that we have in-home laundry. With that said, I've given up on the delusion that I will ever be done with laundry. Nowadays, if I'm home for a couple hours at a time I check what needs to be washed - there's always something in there - and start a new load on it's journey to cleanliness.

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