Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Yesterday, while at school, I was feeling restless and hungry so I walked down to Wishbone (cafe on campus) to grab a snack. I was staring at the offerings in the chiller when a random guy asked me if his accent sounded 'Kiwi' (he was not a Kiwi). I wasn't sure what to say and then he asked me if I was from the US. I nodded and, half in jest, I said, "I know, you can tell by my boring accent". He looked at me and said, "No, it's because of the way you dress". I rolled my eyes because I hadn't put any thought into my attire that day. When you have to work in the lab you don't dress up for work. :) So I was wearing my Roots sweatshirt (grey), jeans and Pumas (purple). It turns out he wasn't making a comment about the casualness of my outfit but rather that it had colour. Colour. Here in Wellington many people wear head to toe black. Everyday. Before moving here I thought I wore a lot of black. Not anymore. Now I'm a veritable assault on the visual senses. I love wearing jewel tones but they look neon compared to the sedate look of so much black with the occasional pseudoneutral if people are feeling crazy. Initially, I was ready to conform and commit to a life of neutrals but I've moved past such nonsense. Don't get me wrong, I like neutrals. But in my mind their purpose is to set off the colours that you wear. Oh my. I'm spelling colour like a Kiwi. :)

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