Friday, June 8, 2012

When it rains...

Rain is quite common here in Wellington and although it's a nuisance I'm delighted that we don't have to walk to and from school in snow and ice. The only problem with it being increasingly rainy, as we enter into our winter season, is that when the transit of Venus comes around, you can't see it. The transit, where Venus travels across the sun, happened a couple days ago and what do you know? It just happened to coincide with the rainiest, cloudiest, grayest day we've experienced since moving here. :) This wouldn't be such a big deal except for the fact that the next transit won't happen until 2117. Yeah, I don't think I'll make it that long. Admittedly, a bit depressed about the weather Tim and I went to a talk about the transit given here on campus by William Tobin. He is an astrophysicist and led us through the interesting history of how humans have photographed the sky over the years. After the talk we were able to see the transit via real time imagery provided by a lab in Hawaii. Nice and sunny there. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys - we saw the transit of Venus on TV - cool!!
    thanks for sharing on our blog - sounds so fun all the stuff you are doing.
    Hat trick - amazing as you were just talking about that.
    Mom & Paul
