Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Nineteen blocks to the grocery store. And it really doesn't seem that far when you're on your way. But when you're walking home, laden with groceries, you wonder what you could've possibly purchased that is so heavily weighing down your reusable grocery bags. Each week we endeavor to be organized, planning meals, making lists and buying what we can at the butcher across the street. We've found Preston's to have wonderfully fresh meat, as well as eggs, bread and milk. Still we trek to New World, a NZ grocery store chain, each weekend to buy the remaining groceries for the week. That is, until a couple weeks ago Tim shared a brilliant idea with me. He said, "why don't we have our groceries delivered?". I was stunned as I had never thought of such a thing. In the ensuing weeks we looked into our options and decided to menu plan for a month and have all the dried, canned, jarred, and non edible items (paper towels, etc.) sent to our flat. This past weekend we scrutinized our list and, with bated breath, placed the order. It arrived last night and there was much rejoicing on our part although the delivery guy seemed less than enthused. I mean, I know we paid for all these items but it still felt like Christmas! :) We'll see how things go this month and reassess as needed along the way. Now we still have to buy perishable items, just yogurt and cheese, plus the milk/meat/eggs/bread from the butcher, on a weekly basis. However this is nothing compared to lugging cans and jars those 19 blocks home. Sweet as!

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