Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Celebrity sighting #2........

Awhile back I posted about seeing one of our Hurricane players, Beudan Barrett, out for brunch with his family. We were taken aback to see a professional athlete outside of the rugby arena. Well, tonight we decided to go and see The Amazing Spiderman but when we arrived we realized that everyone else in town had had the same idea. Technically, we're on school holiday and so it was no surprise to see the mile long (that should be kilometer long) lines just five minutes before the movie was to start. We waited in line for a few minutes but we weren't making any progress towards obtaining tickets. In the end we decided to come back another night and, dejected, trudged down the steps and started for home. Thankfully, Tim suggested that we stop in for a drink at the bowling alley (they have good cider). On our way toward the mall exit I glanced over at the Satay Noodle House and to my great surprise I saw my favorite Hurricane player, Jason Eaton, slurping noodles with some other guys. But wait. Was that really him? In no way did I attempt to hide the fact that I was craning my neck around to stare and see if it was really him. And it was! Shocked and amazed I was pulling on Tim's coat sleeve and excitedly saying, "It's Jason Eaton! It's Jason Eaton!" even though he was looking over at them as well. I must've made a sufficient fuss because he looked up, as did his friends, and caught me staring, probably grinning like an idiot. I didn't care. I could not believe that I had just seen another Hurricane player just out and about, having supper like a normal person. :)

This Friday the Hurricanes will play their final regular season game and we will be there to cheer them on to victory! At the end of every game the fans are allowed onto a portion of the field to meet the players; we're going to try our luck and see if we can get some autographs on our jerseys. It's no surprise that I'll have my fingers crossed to get one from Jason Eaton! :)

If you want to check out the Hurricanes, visit: or for information on the other teams in the rugby union, visit:

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