Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Last night, while hanging out at home, all of a sudden, I heard the walls start to shake. A second later I could feel the rumblings of what would be my very first earthquake. When it started we were sitting on the couch and Timmy, very cool and collected, quickly ushered me over to the doorway separating the bathroom from the rest of the flat. As we waited I could feel the wall vibrating against my back as my heart pounded like a jack hammer inside my chest. Within seconds it was over and Timmy smiled down at me and said, "Was that your first earthquake?". I nodded, yes. We ventured out from the doorway and turned on the news to see if there had been damage in the city or elsewhere. Within minutes they mentioned that a 7.0 earthquake had been felt in Wellington city. Nothing beyond that. We looked at each other, dumbfounded. Was that all they were going to say? A 7.0? That had to be a mistake. What we felt was a gentle rumble, nothing more. Later we learned that, indeed, it was a 7.0 but it felt much less severe because it was centered 230 km (that is, 143 miles) deep. Thankfully, in the end, there were no damages or injuries. We. Are. Safe.

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