Monday, July 2, 2012

Changing things up.....

We've had an ongoing conversation about our little flat since the day we moved in here. Don't get us wrong, it's clean, sleek and modern. But. It's. Tiny. We've continuosly wondered if this would just be a stepping stone of a home for us or if we might stay and try to make it work.

Within the last couple of weeks we've decided that we want to stay here and make the best of our little abode. With only a loveseat for furniture we knew we needed to find a desk and chair so we could have one functional work surface in our place. After spending the better part of a weekend looking around for the perfect setup we found the desk and chair for us. And to make room we rearranged our 'living room' and it feels like a whole new place. :)

Next we'd like to make some art for the walls; we're thinking about taking some of our favorite photos and having them printed on canvas. Should be cool when we get around to it. :) Now that we're making the place our own it feels less liking we're staying here and more like we're living here.

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