Sunday, July 8, 2012

USA goodies....

Living in NZ has brought an amazing array of gustatory change into our everyday lives. Some things are the same like ordering chai tea at Starbucks. Many things are different. For example, you can buy all sorts of lollies (candy) but most of the brands are entirely different than those offered in the US. Pop is very common and you see Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc. but the bottling process is different and therefore you get a very different taste. While Kiwis argue that they're pop is superior I still prefer the US equivalent. With that said I've pretty much given up hope of finding my favorite sweet treats and have steeled myself to wait and enjoy them when we visit the US. Surprisingly, this past weekend we happened upon a store advertising "American candy". Our interest was piqued so we decided to stop in and see what they had. To my great delight, amongst a wide variety of goodies, they had a couple of my favorites, Hot Tamales and Dr. Pepper (the US version!). With a big smile on my face I left the store with two cans of Dr. Pepper and a box of Hot Tamales. Gotta love the little things in life. :)

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