Sunday, March 11, 2012

Walking around Wellington....

We spent this past Saturday, out and about, walking around Wellington and enjoying the gorgeous weather. Now remember that we're transitioning out of summer and into fall so the warm days are becoming fewer and farther between. Although to us it doesn't feel as though the temperatures has fluctuated much (13 - 21 C, that's about 55 - 70 F). Slowly but surely I'm starting to learn Celsius. :)

These are a few of the things we saw down at the harbor.

These are helicopters used for tours around the Wellington area. It was cool watching them land and take off.

We discovered a shop where you can rent bikes, kayaks, paddleboards, inline skates, etc. There's even a rock wall to climb. Tim wants to try the paddleboards and I want to try my hand at climbing the rock wall. :)

Just in case you have to go. :)

Check out the boats. Police and all.

After walking a bit further we saw these. Any guesses as to what they are?

We had no idea either. Then we walked around to check them out and what do you know? They're restrooms. Hmmm. Interesting....but really cool on the inside. :)

Cool patterns, colors and textures on so many buildings around town.

Later we stopped by Mac's Brewbar for a cold one and a snack. Can you tell which one is the cider? I'm not used to finding cider on tap - it's been a nice surprise. :)

Mac's has a really interesting mix of decor as you can see by the suspended lighting fixtures and backdrop for the bar. It's one of our new favorite places. :)

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