Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Can I see some ID?....

Sure, you can. Because we both have our Victoria University Staff ID cards and our NZ driver's licenses (see below). Though the thought still terrifies me, we are legal to drive here. I'm very, very ok with the fact that we don't have a car. Yet. :)

Speaking of ID, last weekend we strolled down to the pub to take in a rugby match. Upon arrival the bouncer stopped us and asked for my ID. As I was shuffling through my purse Tim started to pull out his wallet only to be told that he "was good" (didn't need to show ID). The guy turned to me and said, "You look under 25 so I need to check yours". I whipped out my shiny, new NZ driver's license and he let us through. We were a bit surprised by all this because for one, Tim has the baby face of the two of us, and two, the drinking age is 18, so getting carded is the exception not the rule.

The match was awesome! The Hurricanes played a close game all the way up until the end. I was sure that we wouldn't take home the win when in the last minute of the game they scored a try (it's like the rugby equivalent to a touchdown in American football)! The place went wild (as did we)! Since moving away from MN (and the MN Wild) I have yet to spend time in a bar, watching a game, where I was surrounded by fellow fans. It. Was. Awesome!

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