Monday, March 5, 2012


As most of you know Tim and I love going to the movies. During our time in Bozeman we saw movie after movie, sometimes several in a single week. So now that we've been in Wellington for a couple weeks we decided to see Safehouse with Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington. We walked down to the theater and purchased tickets for a showing later that day. After walking around and grabbing a bite for lunch we returned. Tickets stubs in hand we found our way to theater #8. We the first to arrive and found a smallish theater with comfy chairs in each row. On the aisle seats there were numbers and letters like you would find in a stage theater. I eyed these suspiciously, certain that we didn't purchase specific seats in a movie theater. Being the only ones in the place we decided on some seats in the middle about half way up. Soon two guys entered the theater and came and sat right next to Tim. We found this strange. I mean, "ok, why would you sit right next to a complete stranger when you could sit anywhere in the place?". On a whim we decided to ask about the possibility of assigned seating. Tim turned to the guy next to him and asked, "Do you have to sit in the seat specified on your ticket?". He answered, "Yes". What?! Perplexed but wanting to successfully navigate this new home of ours we looked at our tickets and started searching for our assigned seats. This is tricky when you can't see the numbers on the seats whatsoever because they are mostly concealed by the upholstery on each chair. In the end, with the help of a flashlight app on my old Android, we found seats J8 and J9. This was especially challenging because, for some reason unbeknownst to us, they decided to skip row "I" and just move on to "J". Hmmm. Still pondering that one.

All in all the experience was just that. An experience. :) Bizarre to us but commonplace to every Wellingtonian. Just like it would be strange for them to see a movie in the US and pick a seat.

The movie was good - we'd recommend it. As it came out of the US it felt a bit like home. American English accents and all. :)

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