Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Local slang.....

At home we might exclaim that something awesome is "sweet". But in NZ you will encounter individuals expressing the same sentiment by saying, "sweet as". It's like comparing whatever you're talking about to something else that is awesome. "It's sweet as...(the coolest thing you can think of)". But you don't actually fill in the blank. You just say, "sweet as". After going out to dinner last night with the guys (and one girl) from Tim's lab group I feel as though I have a better understanding of how to use this kiwi (more on this word below) phrase. :) The idea can be extended by putting the word "as" after other verbs and adjectives (see clip below).

So watch out that you don't get "beached as". It's dangerous stuff. :)

Ah yes, the word kiwi. Before moving to NZ I knew a "kiwi" to be a small, fuzzy, green (inside), fruit. Here you can use it three ways (that I know of).

1. kiwi: smallish fruit as described above (usually distinguished from the other definitions as kiwifruit).
2. kiwi: a person from New Zealand (not derogatory).
3. kiwi: smallish, flightless bird that is totally adorable (see photo below, sadly we haven't seen any yet).

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