Monday, March 19, 2012

Back in the saddle again....

This past week I started work at the university as a tutor. Back in the US we know this title as TA or teaching assistant. I'm helping out, by teaching lab sections, with a research methods course in the psychology department. While the material isn't the most scintillating I'm happy to say that the first week went very well. I have four sections of twenty and I'm determined to learn names....should be interesting as it's never been a talent of mine. I know, great quality to have in a teacher. :)

I was nervous and excited to meet my students for the first time but that was all for naught. As soon as I stood up to start talking in each section I felt at home and at ease in front of the class. I never, never, thought I would be a person who would feel comfortable speaking in front of others but, alas, it has happened. Out of everyone I'm the most surprised about this. :)

After I was done leading my first section I walked away from the classroom with a smile on my face. I felt energized and was looking forward to meeting the other sections. During the five weeks that we've been here I think I've felt most at home in the classroom. I'm happy 'to find myself' a little bit in this new place. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bridget and Tim- Just caught up on all your events and happenings- "good on ya"! Sounds likes things are going great- keep blogging and I'll keep reading. We certainly miss having you teaching in our department.
