Thursday, April 5, 2012


We've been venturing out to the pub to take in the rugby matches and thoroughly enjoying it. But last week we were able to get very reasonable tickets to see the Hurricanes play here in Wellington at the Westpac Stadium!

We rode the bus over to the stadium and walked in with the masses. Much to our delight our seats were as good as promised - they were right at the halfway line (what we know as the 50 yard line in American football). Below is our view of the field.

In this match we were playing the Cheetahs from South Africa. Below you can see them taking the field weaing white and orange uniforms. Then our Hurricanes came on in yellow and black.

Surrounded by our fellow fans, we took in a very exciting game. In two, 40 min, halves we watched as the Hurricanes dominated in the first half but failed to maintain their momentum in the second. We were amazed by how many points can be scored in a game - I guess it's not totally uncommon to see total game scores of 100+ points.

Decked out in yellow and black we showed our support!! :)

In the end we did not take home the win - the final score was 37-48 - but had a great time watching, cheering and listening to the very entertaining commentary from two old ladies sitting behind us. To their credit, they really knew their rugby. :) Now we are looking forward to the next match!! Go Hurricanes!! :)

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