Sunday, April 22, 2012

A study in low light....

We spend time every week strolling by the waterfront; taking in the people, the boats and cruise ships, as well as the artistic sculptures that seem to be around every corner. Mind you this is during the day. At night the place is transformed into a different realm. After the sun goes down the art lies in the way that light is manipulated. Below are a few photos that we took using the tripod for strategically longer exposures. A brief synopsis accompanies each image.

At the Wellington Public Library: Illuminated palm tree column.

At Post Office Square, downtown Wellington: Illuminated sculpture.

Same sculpture as above, zoomed in on one of the illuminated arms.

At the waterfront: Illuminated orbs.

At the waterfront: Illuminated side panels of a bridge. 

At the waterfront: Looking down into the moving water. I think it looks like an abstract painting. :)

These pictures were challenging to take as we had to figure out the correct camera settings for each image. In the end we came away with some interesting shots which is amazing because it was VERY windy that night. Windy. Welly. Especially by the waterfront. :)


  1. Bridget, These are beautiful, Thanks for posting.
    (The other) Tim

  2. Hi B&T,
    I love the pics of your doings in NZ - so fascinating - the night "light" shots are particularly interesting to me. The sports venue with many different sports is great - I am glad you are able to take in new spectator sports.
    I held my breath as you told about the VISA problem - we pray for you continually so I count that as answered prayer that things went smoothly and it could be worked out.
    Paul preaches tomorrow at a Bike Show for a secular group the SB's (Sick Bastards). We have many contacts with bikers all over the place and count it a privilege to share Christ with them.
    Did you recieve the pkg I mailed April 17th? Happy early Birthday - we love you 2, blessings and God's best. Mom & Paul
