Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Speed bump....

As you might expect I've been floating on a cloud since I learned of my acceptance and scholarship at Vic. :) It's been the 'gift that keeps on giving' because I am continually remembering that it's actually happening!!

But then yesterday I almost suffered a heart attack when I went to turn in the paperwork to accept the PhD offer. I handed over the papers along with my passport and visa to be photocopied. The woman who was juggling my paperwork studied my visa and promptly informed me that I would not be allowed to study as a PhD student under a work visa. It was then I wanted to panic! I thought, "what does this mean?", "will I have to wait until I get a student visa before I can begin my program?", "how long with that take?"..... Questions whirled through my mind but more than anything I thought, "this can't be good...".

Stunned, I was told that I would need to acquire a student visa before I could continue on with the enrolment (yes, that's the way it's spelled here....yeah...) process. As I walked out of the office I became increasingly more livid! There was no way that I could've traveled to NZ on a student's visa because I was not accepted as a student in the last round. It's only because Tim had his student visa that I was able to obtain the coveted work visa that would allow me to pursue any type of work for any employer in NZ. Sure, any type of work other than working as a PhD student. Sigh. Sigh!

I trudged back up the hill to search out help in the Victoria International office. Upon arriving there I explained my plight and then braced for impact. I couldn't imagine what they would tell me. I couldn't imagine having to go through the application process AGAIN! (Note: Last time around it consisted of background checks (with fingerprints) that took months to come back, medical checks (blood, urine, chest x-ray)that took weeks to come back and the requisite pile of forms.)

To my great delight, this is where things started to become less terrifying. I was told that, yes, I would need to apply for a student visa and it would take a few DAYS to be processed. What!? A few days? Turns out that because I had medical and background checks done for my previous application the process would be accelerated exponentially! It was then I started breathing again. Next it was on to all the paperwork I needed to gather in order to complete my application. Being the crazed person that I am I was able to return to Victoria International and submit my completed application today. I was told that my visa might be ready by the end of the week. Or at the latest sometime next week.

Um, so I guess things aren't as fun unless there's some craziness to be had! All in all I'm glad to have this issue sorted out and moving in the right direction.

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