Saturday, April 21, 2012

Celebrity sighting....

Ah, Saturday, a beautiful time here in Wellington. Since this is the first time we haven't had to work on the weekends we are soaking up the city on each and every one. :) So today we were out and about, strolling downtown, enjoying a gorgeous, sunny Saturday. Hungry for brunch we stopped in at a highly recommended eatery called Sweet Mother's Kitchen. The place was bustling with families and couples but we were lucky to arrive at the right time to secure a table near the front of the place, open to the outside patio. While we were waiting for our table to be cleared I glanced over at the suddenly growing line of people waiting to be seated. It was then I noticed a guy standing in line and at first glance I realized that he looked familiar. Half joking, I poked Tim and said, "Hey, look, that guy standing in line looks like Barrett". He looked over and nodded, "That does kind of look like him". So who is Barrett? Well, he plays rugby for the Wellington Hurricanes. We've watched him on TV many a time and seen one game in person. After spending some time surreptitiously looking over at him and pulling up a picture on my phone we decided that, indeed, it was Beauden Barrett!! Talk about a fun coincidence, seeing a professional athlete at the place we just happened to visit for brunch. :) To top it all off, we're going to see the Hurricanes play tonight against the Canterbury Crusaders - go Hurricanes and go Barrett!!! :)

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