Sunday, February 12, 2012


So we've said that we're not going to buy a car. At least not at first. That is still true. For now we're happy to remind ourselves to "look right" first when crossing the street as we walk everywhere. It's the strangest thing to see..people driving on the left side of the road and on the right side of the car. What? So bizarre. Who knows when that will seem normal.

We've heard and read that owning a car in NZ is incredibly expensive. I always thought the same of owning a vehicle in the US. It really adds up, whether you are here or there. With that in mind I have to share the price of petrol (that is, fuel). It. Is. Crazy!

At first glance that doesn't seem too bad. I mean $2.08..or $1.49 for diesel doesn't seem so bad. You're right, except that that is for a liter. Liter. So if a liter is about a quart and there are four quarts in a gallon....that would be $8.32....or $5.96 for diesel. Yeah. Although I was expecting high prices for fuel this is still shocking. It makes me feel good that we don't have a vehicle. I know that may change in the future or it may not. We'll just have to see. :)


  1. Wow, glad you're walking...makes the price of gas here seem not too bad.
    Jan G

  2. I agree with Jan....maybe we shouldn't complain 'too loudly' when compared to other countries! So fun to be following your 'life & times in New Zealand!!

    1. I still think gas prices in the US are high. When we left Fresno they were just under $4. Four is better than eight but still. This has got me rethinking the whole 'having a vehicle' thing.

      I'm so glad that you're following us!! :)
