Sunday, February 12, 2012

Exploring Welly.....

Since our arrival we've been walking and walking....and walking. After living in places where we would drive everywhere this is such a different way of thinking about navigating our new home. We have to make sure that we're dressed appropriately for the weather. Over the few days we've been here we've experienced a variety of weather: sunny, warm, chilly, rainy and everything accompanied by wind. Windy. Welly. :)

We've been walking around the city looking at shops, restaurants and enjoying the coffee shops that seem to be everywhere. These people take their coffee very seriously. :) While they are the great minority we have seen two Starbucks out on our walks. Little whispers of the familiar here and there.

A couple days ago we stopped at the dairy (corner store) to pick up some snacks and I picked out a bottle of cider. With the legal drinking age of 18 we were positive that we would never, NEVER, be carded. But what do you know, I walked up to pay and they asked for ID. I was thinking, "ok, this Montana ID is going to look sooo bizarre to them". With barely a glance the clerk was satisfied and we were off with our purchases.

Today we visited the farmer's market for the first time. We had heard that the price of groceries was steep and indeed it is. We’ve noticed that most everything that we had available in the US is available here. The only difference is that, for the most part, the brand names are different. However, we have seen Coke, Dr. Pepper, Pringles, Stax, Twix, Snickers, Oreos, Nature Valley granola bars. So it really seems as though things are very similar just slightly different if that makes any sense.

The farmer’s market on Willis Street is just a few blocks from where we are staying. J We waded through the crowds to peruse the goods offered: tomatoes, potatoes, corn on the cob, spinach, lettuce, eggs, avocados, broccoli, cauliflower, apples, oranges, kiwi fruit, and a host of other goodies. With markedly lower prices than the grocery store we left with a bag of veggies and some eggs. On the walk back to the apartment we talked about this being something that we should do every Sunday. As far as we know the farmer’s markets (there are three in the city) run year round and offer whatever is in season. Should be interesting to see how things ebb and flow.

So far we're loving Wellington!

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