Thursday, February 9, 2012

Coming home.....

We traveled home for the first time today. After an overnight, 12 hour flight, customs, biohazard bag checks and a short connecting flight we arrived in Wellington!!

Tim's advisor was kind enough to pick us (and all of our bags) up at the airport and drive us to where we will be staying for the next two weeks. Talk about the royal treatment. I know we could've managed on our own but it was really nice to have someone waiting for us.

After a short, beautifully scenic, drive we arrived at our temporary 'Home Sweet Home'. In short, it's a one bedroom apartment with a small bathroom and a kitchenette on the side. Think tiny hotel room. Even so after our travels and all the preparations leading up to the trip our little place feels like paradise. :)

We spent the day unpacking and getting situated. It's amazing how fast this can be done when you only have a few bags worth of stuff with you. :) After that we spent the remainder of the afternoon walking around the city, taking in the shops, restaurants and even visiting the university.

An 'eventful day' would be the understatement of our lives but it's the truth. Now we are off to bed, spent but happy. :)

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