Monday, February 13, 2012


I had never traveled to NZ before last week. In fact, I had never left the continent of North America. Visiting Canada to spend time with family and traveling to Mexico for a summer were the extent of my international escapades. That is, until now. I would've expected that being so far away, that is about 6500 miles, from home I would feel uncomfortable, isolated and disconnected. But I have to say that I don't feel any of those things. Perhaps I will later on, however, right now I'm feeling good for a very simple reason: technology. With so many different options for communicating with people here and people back home I don't feel disconnected. Within the last day I've spent time chatting with Tim when he's up on campus and I'm at home. I've enjoyed a few minutes on Skype talking to Landis and Josephine. We've even put a call, via Skype, into our bank back home to sort out some details. There's also been chats and messages on Facebook and traditional emails. I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity to experience a new place with Tim. And I feel great knowing that we can talk with our families as often as we'd like. For this I am grateful. :)

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