Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Home Sweet Home....

Today we secured a flat and we couldn't be more thrilled and relieved. Moving to a new country is fraught with craziness as you might guess but this aspect was weighing heavily on us. Yesterday we went to an open house, basically the property management companies list the properties and advertise 'open houses' so they can show the place to whomever would like to see it. So we went and let's just say the place left some things to be desired. The carpet was stained, the moldings looked scary, quite different than the photos. We guessed they were taken when the place was new. Yeah. So that was a 'no' and with sadness in our step we walked back to our little place and spent much of the evening looking at details for other places.

Today we set out, feeling encouraged and hopeful because we were planning to visit four open houses. We were sure that something would pan out. We hiked, and I mean that literally, up to campus this morning and spent some time there before going back down the hill to the first open house. With a strange grid in Wellington sometimes it's tough to judge distances and know exactly where things are. We set out to find the first open house and intially we did not find it. Instead we found another huge hill to walk up only to realize that the streets were not connected to each other up there. On the walk back down we realized that the place was one block over. We were not happy but we decided to wait and what do you know? A woman came and opened the door and took us right into the complex where we saw a refreshingly modern building with a beautiful courtyard. We checked out two studios and two one bedroom apartments - all cute as a bugs ear and most importantly: clean. We left with applications and were off to the next open house that started just a few minutes later. This next place was on our radar because it offered something different - an open floor plan with a loft above for a bedroom. Upon stepping into the first unit my heart (and probably Tim's too) sank to my feet. Unlike the photos the place was dirty and nothing like what we expected. We checked out another unit but it was the same story so very quickly that place was out of the running. On to open house number three where we were the only people looking at the unit. It was in a new building and we would be the first tenants to let it. The unit was tiny but clean and even had a little balcony.

Over some mini quiches with salad, a chai for me and cappucino for Tim we discussed everything that we had seen. In the end we agreed that a studio in the first place was the way to go. Before we left the coffee shop we were able to call and make another appointment to see the studios again and turn in our applications. And that's what we did. After seeing the places again we decided on one, filled out the paperwork and it's ours! We'll get the keys tomorrow and can move in anytime after that!! We are so excited to have our own place!! Pictures to follow. :)


  1. Bridget and Tim Congrats on the place! I finally to go log on and read all the bloging you've been donig! Bridget, you are an amazing writer and should consider making that a career!!! Glad to hear you guys are fitting in so well!! I feel like I climbed those hills with you!! We are so happy for you! Much love, Doug and Kelley

  2. Thanks for inviting me to your blog. It's fun to your adventures in New Zealand. I can remember being young and moving across the sea and the challenges that move presented. Hope all continues to go well for you both. I look forward to more reading! Best wishes,
    Brenda Papera
