Monday, October 7, 2013

When in Rome....

It rains. It pours. Well, it only does this when we're moving to a hotel across the city followed by a walkabout. As I mentioned in an earlier post we booked our own accommodation for the few days in Rome before Tim's conference. So now we moved to the new hotel that had been booked for the days of the conference.

Packing our bags and checking out we decided to take the train across town and in the few minutes it took us to travel from the train station to the hotel it started to rain. Just a light sprinkle at first. After we checked in and met up with one of Tim's colleagues who was also staying there we donned our rain jackets and set out because he had just arrived the night before and wanted to see some of Rome right away. Well, we walked down to the Colosseum, a good 30 minute trek but by this time it had been full on raining, then it became a complete downpour. Disheartened and thoroughly soaked we grabbed a slice of amazing pizza, because even in the pouring rain you need your daily fix, and headed back to the hotel. After drying off and putting on new clothes we lounged around to wait out the rain and ventured out again for dinner and drinks.

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