Saturday, October 26, 2013


Each and every day we walked around the outside of the Colosseum. But it wasn't until the last day of our trip that we made it inside. That day we checked out of the hotel and I went with Timmy to the last sessions of the conference. I tried to do some blogging before the laptop battery gave out and then after lunch I was able to pry him away so we could see the inside of the Colosseum together! It was quite a trek but we finally made it and thankfully didn't have to wait too long to get inside. Then after collecting our tickets we emerged through an archway and my first thought was, "There's no arena floor". For some reason I had expected the interior to feature the main arena where the "entertainment" happened. Instead the arena floor had been removed so you could see the underground labyrinths that housed the animals, criminals and gladiators before they were put on display above. I will let the pictures do the describing because I cannot begin to convey the imposing nature of the place.



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