Monday, October 7, 2013

Sights around every corner.....

Before we left for Europe my supervisor told me that Rome is his favorite European city because around every corner there's a bunch of ruins or a cathedral or a fountain. Not that I didn't believe him but indeed, this is exactly how I would describe Rome. And while I haven't traveled Europe as much as he has Rome is my favorite European city. :)

After visiting the Artemide showroom I happily walked on with my lighting literature tucked under my arm because, shockingly, it was too big to fit in my mom-bag. :) Instead of hopping back on the metro right away I figured I would take in some of the landmarks that were close by. The first was just down the street from the Artemide showroom: the Trinitia dei Monti. It was crawling with people but I made my way up the steps and found place to get a cold drink and enjoy it in the shade.

A little farther up the road I came upon the Villa Medici; it had been converted into some kind of high end golf resort but the grounds provided an amazing vantage point for taking in the city.

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