Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Punting and The Backs.....

Later that day (from the previous post) I was consulting my list of 'things to do in Cambridge' and I really wanted to continue exploring but let's face it my feet were killing me. Two items on the list were to visit The Backs which are the grounds of several campuses that you can walk through near the River Cam and to go "punting". So punting is classically Cambridge where you steer yourself with a long pole while standing on the back of the punt. They will let you try this if you want  or you can let someone else, with punting experience, taking the reins and do the driving. There were several places offering 'punting tours' on the River Cam through The Backs to I figured it would be a perfect way to experience punting, see The Backs and spare my feet for a little while.

I set off, found the group running the tours, bought my ticket and waited a few minutes to board a punt and set off down the River Cam. After ten of us clambered ungracefully into the boat we were situated and ready to start the tour. As soon as we were in the thick of it with other punts on all sides we came along a punt selling drinks because you should have a beverage when someone else is steering you down the River Cam. My first thought was, "Why not?". So I ordered a Pim's cup. Pim's is a traditional English cocktail mix that you find absolutely everywhere here. Pim's is a fruit liqueur that you mix with Sprite and top with pieces of strawberries, lemons, limes, oranges and  cucumbers. Needless to say it's a refreshing bevy to offset the warm weather. After intercepting my drink and pocketing my change we started our tour. I had had a few sips when, out of nowhere, a non experienced punter, crashed his punt into ours. Since this happened behind me I wasn't prepared and soon found half of my Pim's cup sloshed onto my t-shirt. Awesome. I was annoyed but found myself laughing instead of fuming. I mean I was punting down the River Cam on a beautiful day drinking (well trying to) a Pim's cup - you can't really complain about that!

The tour was interesting and wouldn't you know it - we  sailed right underneath the Bridge of Sighs that I had trekked so far to see earlier in the day. :) Again I had to laugh. I will reiterate that the trek was totally worth it to see the grounds of St. John's in all their glory.

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