Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lunch and Pont de Arts....

In Paris we discovered that they have Chipotle and even though we only had part of one day to spend there we were beyond delighted to  find that it was pretty close to the sights we were planning to see. It goes without saying that the food was delicious and afterwards we felt  fortified  for the big  day ahead. :)

Next we starting walking along the River Seine  and we found our way to Pont de Arts, a pedestrian bridge that has become famous over the years. Someone sometime decided to, with their lover, place a  padlock on the chain-link fence on the bridge to "lock in" their love for all eternity. After reading about Paris online  I wanted to visit the bridge and add a padlock of our own. After all we did celebrate our third wedding anniversary (and seventh anniversary of being together) during this trip; it was an interesting one as we were between space and time flying from  Sydney to London. so before reaching the bridge we bought a padlock from a vendor and  wrote our names on it.

After walking around looking at all the locks we strolled to the middle of bridge to pick out a place for ours. They were incredible thick on this portion of the bridge but alas Timmy found the spot and I did  the honors by snapping the lock onto the fence.

A nice couple from New York City offered to take our picture when they saw us adding our lock to the collection. :)

Now for the criminal part. Tradition  states that to truly "lock in" your  love you must embrace and throw the keys into the river below. We also read that if cops catch you doing this they will  not hesitate to give you a ticket. So both of us looked around, saw  no cops and proceeded to  hug and kiss and simultaneously toss the keys into the river. Silly and romantic. Then Tim  told  me that he felt bad for throwing something into the river. Oh well. :) Next we counted the number of fence sections between the end of the bridge and where our lock is so next time hopefully it will still be there and we will be able to find it.

1 comment:

  1. Bridget & Tim, I looked at the pictures and read all of the things you posted from your trip - awesome. What a wonderful opportunity you have had to travel abroad.
    The buildings are amazing and so very old and majestic.
    the colored glass art pieces were very interesting and the posed figures are very life like - they look like they are about to get up and move around.
    Thanks for including some pics of the 2 of you - good to see your smiling faces.
    A package is coming for you - I mailed it Wednesday, Oct 2.
    Love to you both,
    Mom & Paul
