Sunday, July 28, 2013


While wandering through a sporting goods store today I walked by this aisle and had to laugh. Here cricket is all the rage and has been for many years but you would never see such sports equipment in the US stores. And even though we've been here a year and a half I still find cricket novel and strange. Admittedly, I have no desire to understand the rules, of which there are many, because I just can't get behind a game that, depending on the type, can stretch over five days. But people here love it and I can't get on them too much because I wouldn't necessarily expect them to enjoy hockey like we do.

So here are just a few words about how you have to specify the type of sport you are talking about. No, that isn't a typo in the last sentence - I really meant to say "sport" instead of sports. If you read the paper it'll be the sport, not sports, page you peruse. We've also noticed that many times people will ask if we follow American football because it so popular in the US. A note about "football", to us football is what the rest of the world knows as American football because to them "football" is soccer. Or sometimes you hear people talk about "football" or "footie" and they mean rugby so it can be very confusing. When we tell people that we're not into American football but that we love hockey we say "hockey" which to them means "field hockey". With that said we try and catch ourselves and specify "ice hockey" so they know we're talking about the game we love.

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