Sunday, July 21, 2013

Earthquake day.....

Ok, living in MN, ND and MT I've experienced my fair share of 'snow days' (every child's dream when school is cancelled and you can frolic in the vast piles of snow) and Tim mentioned that living in CA sometimes they would have 'fog days'. But never in our lives have we experienced what is going to happen tomorrow. We have received official word from the University that, Monday July 22, the school in it's entirety will be closed to all staff and students. Tim was the first to pick up the email and he came running into the bathroom where I was washing my hands, pointed his finger at me and said, "You're working from home tomorrow!!". I first thought was, "No I'm not". Still not comprehending I shuffled over to the computer and read the news for myself. I still can't believe it. The best part was not too long after that Tim received an email from his head of school (department head) reiterating that campus would be closed tomorrow and demanding that everyone must stay at home!! So there you have it: 'earthquake day'. I always say "things are different in NZ". Indeed they are.

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