Friday, February 13, 2015


Since Tim and I have signed on for some serious running this month I knew I'd have to run outside while we're here in Nelson. This had me a little bit nervous because I've never run outside. Never. Ever. And Tim told me to be prepared. It would be hard! So this morning when he left for the conference I donned my workout gear, tied my kicks, and strapped my phone to my arm. With sunscreen and a hat I was ready to go. I stepped out of door and started to run. Right away I noticed that my ankle wasn't too happy about running on uneven surfaces. But I kept on, running down a long straight stretch adjacent to the main streets of downtown Nelson. With a few stops and starts, waiting for lights to turn, I was gasping for breath at the halfway point. It was then I realized that I had tried to track my distance and pace but hadn't turned on GPS. Mental head slap! After consulting the map I decided to run back via a different route instead of retracing my steps. This was a good and bad idea. Good in the sense that it made for a more interesting run on the way back. But bad because the last portion of the run was up not one but two hills. Granted they weren't huge but remember this came at the end of the run and I'm not a great runner! I did have to walk a few minutes but somehow managed to make it back to the hotel. I wasn't sure about my pace but figured I had done alright because I was dripping sweat. I know, attractive. Somewhere along the way a brilliant idea struck and I think it helped me get through in the end. I remembered that we had a pool at the hotel and what would be better after a long, hard run than a cool swim? Yeah, this is the best idea I've had for some time. So after arriving at the hotel I quickly switched into my swimsuit and hurried over to the pool. It was still early morning and half of pool was in shade so I figured I had some time before things would get hazardous for my fair skin. I sat on the edge of the pool and stuck my feet in. I had to laugh because even that much contact with the water was enough to make me gasp. I said to myself, "Ok, this is going to be cold!". I don't think you can ease your way in so I jumped in and let myself sink to the bottom of the pool. Indeed, the temperature of the water, even though I was hot from the run, took my breath away. Emerging from the water I let out an involuntary yelp. And feeling silly I started to laugh. I had the place to myself and spent the next 20 min swimming around but mostly floating on my back looking at the brilliant turquoise of the sky, noting it matched the water I could see out of the corner of my eyes. :) Yes, so after the soul crushing run all was made right in the world with a plunge in the pool. Paradise, indeed. I think this is what vacation is supposed to feel like. :)

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