Sunday, February 15, 2015

Beach bliss 2.....

Our second stop was Tahunanui Beach just next door to Natureland. I mean, you can't visit sunny Nelson and not go to the beach. Even if you're me, a person who was not designed for any kind of sun exposure. :) After liberal application of sunscreen we found a nice piece of sand and set up camp. Jenny and I spent some time soaking up the absolutely perfect combination of warm sun and cool wind while Sophie headed right into the water. After a bit we decided to take the plunge and walked down to the water. Crystal clear and warm. You'd never experience warm water in Wellington so this was a super treat. The water at Tahunanui Beach is very shallow so we had a wade out quite a ways before you could no longer touch the sand with your toes. For close to an hour we let the gentle waves carry back towards the beach before swimming back out to do it all over again. Simply paradise! I didn't really want to get out of the water but eventually we decided to go up to the cafe for snacks. Then we realized that the afternoon had slipped away but what a perfect way to spend a few hours. Even after living in Wellington for three years, right on the water, the ocean is still a novelty to me. :)

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