Sunday, February 8, 2015


This afternoon Tim and I arrived in  Nelson, New Zealand. Just at the top of the South Island, a mere 35 minute plane ride from Wellington, is what people refer to as "Sunny Nelson". And it is. While we've had some beautiful weather in Wellington this summer the weather here in Nelson is even more gorgeous. More sun, less wind and less humidity. Ah, paradise. But it gets better. Well, at least for me. We are visiting because Tim has a conference and is giving a talk later in the week. And lucky me, once again, I get to tag along and lollygag for a week in Sunny Nelson. To be fair I did bring some work along and I really should do it while we're here. But we'll just have to see what the week has in store. :)

So you're probably wondering about the title of this post. Right, so as we're taxiing down the runway they announce that our bags will be available for pick up outside the front of the airport. Tim and I looked at each other and figured that had to be wrong. Since when don't you go to baggage claim? Sure enough, with such a small flight they just drove the luggage carts to the front of the airport and everyone crowded around to grab what was theirs. So with bag in hand we boarded a shuttle and were whisked to our hotel. Upon check in we were asked a question that caught me off guard. It was, "Would you like milk?". Um, what? Hmm? Soon I connected the dots, realized they were providing it for your tea (or coffee, for those of the nontraditional sort) and so we declined. Never once in the US have I been asked if I wanted milk. And we've stayed in a lot of hotels in a lot of different places. There you have it, NZ surprising us once again!

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