Friday, March 14, 2014

Sun scorch....

The following day before I pried myself from our bed I knew that something was wrong with me. Every muscle in my body was complaining and wondering why we needed to build such an obscenely large sand castle?! In addition, despite my careful application of sunscreen the strong NZ sun had gotten to my back and shoulders. I soon learned that everyone else had similar complaints and together we decided that we would spend some time leisurely exploring in town. We did some shopping, got ice cream and in the evening sat down to our last meal in Nelson. I could scarcely believe that the time had passed so quickly. But a quick look around the table and everyone looked the way I felt: tired. That night we spent some time packing and cleaning up around the house in preparation for our departure in the morning.

The next morning we said goodbye to #17, loaded up the cars and retraced our steps back to Picton. There we wrangled all of our luggage into a huge pile and returned the rental cars. From there we off loaded our luggage and again stepped foot onto the Interislander that would take us back to Wellington. This time we knew to beeline straight to the front of the boat where we snagged the entire first row where we could see the water directly in front of the boat. :) Part way through our journey Mom and I were chatting and I glanced out the window into the water where I saw several dolphins swimming up to and then under the ship! I couldn't believe it! I pointed them out and we spent the next 30 minutes watching a few pop up here and there right in front of the ship. :)

Soon we were pulling into Wellington harbor. After 30 min we were allowed down the gangplank and we went to collect our bags. Then I ordered a shuttle to take us to the hotel where the fam would spend their last night in NZ. We managed to get everyone checked in and moved all the bags to the respective rooms. After that we decided to head out and look for dinner. We decided on a pizza place called One Red Dog where we shared our last meal together. Walking back to the hotel Tim and I gathered our bags and took a taxi to our house where we collapsed into a heap.

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