Saturday, March 15, 2014

No Worries!(?)

Well we've talked about Kiwi expressions before and right at the top of the list (next to "Cheers") comes "No Worries."  In use, this expression would be similar to the North American saying, "No Problem."  You know,

"Tim can you grab the groceries from the car?" - "No Worries"

"Bridget can we stop by my office on the way home?" - No Worries"

"I am sorry we're closed for the day." - "No Worries"

Simple right?

Today, a Saturday, Bridget and I were up at uni (university) and I went to use the mens' toilet (no I am not being crass, that's what bathrooms are called in NZ).  When I entered the room something immediately seemed wrong.  The floor was flooded and tilting my head to the ceiling I noticed water coming through an overhead vent.  Immediately I went back to my office to ring (another Kiwi expression) the security office to notify them of the problem.  After a couple of "pardon mes" my American accent was able to convey the issue of a leaking pipe and the resulting flooding to which the guard on the other end of the conversation replied, "No worries," and hung up.

Really?  No worries?  I might be a bit concerned about the amount of water coming from the ceiling and starting to push out into the hall way.  I was a little anxious about how close the water in the ceiling was to the light fixtures.  And I was at least a tiny bit worried about where the water was coming from, but I guess I just need to adjust my attitude.

So next time something goes wrong in your life, channel your inner Kiwi and say, "No Worries!"

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