Friday, March 14, 2014

Farewells and Hurricanes...

The next morning came around quickly and I was soon heading off to collect the family at the hotel and take them to the airport. Timmy had meetings that morning and so said his goodbyes the night before. I decided to take the group for one last brunch at the same place where us girls had High Tea at the beginning of the trip. We munched on pancakes, eggs and sausages while reliving some favorite moments of the trip. Some of these included our time at the zoo, the Hurricanes game, taking the ferry and of course our time in Nelson. After paying the bill we headed back to their hotel to pick up their bags and a shuttle whisked us away to the airport. Checking in took some time after the machine decided to reset halfway through printing the fifteen boarding passes. Sigh. In the end we were able to get it sorted out, we dropped off the bags and headed to the gate. With teary goodbyes, hugs and kisses the troop traipsed through security and were on their way around the corner. I waved until they were out of sight and smiled. It was a truly amazing two weeks with them in NZ! I know they enjoyed their time here but we had a great time as well. And somehow even the weather had cooperated as it had been very un-NZ with light winds and warm temperatures. I know they'll never believe me that often Wellington is very windy and rainy. :) Oh well. I was happy that the weather was so perfect for their time here.

As I walked back through the airport I saw a group of guys sitting at one of the tables in the food court area. It took a second but I connected the dots and realized that I was looking at a group of the Hurricanes rugby squad that we cheer on each season! I knew I was gawking like an idiot but I didn't care. After passing their table I actually stopped walking and thought, "Should I go back there and get a photo with them?". In the end I decided to keep going but it was a nice surprise to see them outside a game. :)

I decided to embrace reality, that taking taxis is not the norm, and waited to board a bus back into Wellington. And wouldn't you know it? It started pouring rain. This bus would only take me so far into town and I'd still need to walk 15 blocks home. Thanks a lot Wellington! I walked under awnings as much as possible but arrived home sopping wet. Sigh. Oh well. I was home and able to change into dry clothes. After doing this I surveyed the apartment and wondered what to do with myself. I decided to sit down with a book but soon fell asleep on the couch. It was a good tired. :)

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