Linda and I set off walking farther into town where we caught another bus that would take us into the CBD (central business district). I could scarcely believe that we were actually going to go shopping. For clothes. Now I'm notorious for shopping especially when it comes to anything you can wear but things have changed since we arrived in NZ two years ago. The move gave us invaluable perspective on finances and let's face it the prices here are ridiculous. Translation: I rarely shop. In two years I've purchased a couple items of clothing and one pair of shoes. Just one. I know, I barely recognize myself anymore. :) So it goes without saying that I was thrilled to be shopping for clothes with my mom. When we lived together several years ago we spent many an afternoon shopping for clothes and shoes. Ah, a little throw back to some good times. :) First we stopped in Just Jeans where I found two adorable dresses, some staple t shirts and I cannot believe it but even a pair of jeans. As good jeans are almost impossible to find I didn't even want to try. Jean shopping is invariably a painful and demoralizing experience. But somehow the stars aligned and I was able to find a nice pair of black skinny Levis. Score. Feeling completely SPOILED rotten we left the store with a couple bags full of goodies. Silly smile on my face I was on cloud nine. This is what happens when you don't really shop for two years. Next we stopped at the newly opened, multi level, Glassons. Now this is a big deal because stores in Wellington, and you could probably extend this to all of NZ, are not very big. Almost none of them have high ceilings but this place does. It would remind you of a cross between H&M and New York & Company. There we both tried on a bunch of tops and dresses - some of them keepers. At this point I was feeling like a new person. Fresh clothes can do that for you. I never realized how much this was true until this shopping trip. :)
Since we were running out of afternoon we walked along the waterfront and back to the museum. Once there we wanted to take in a selection of what is called the World of Wearable Art (WoW). Since arriving in Wellington I've wanted to attend this annual exhibition where art, that is sculpture, meets fashion. These sculptures take all sorts of forms from different fabrics, wood, metal, plastics, and even things like safety pins. Utterly, out of this world. It was fascinating to see some of the attire up close as we realized even in photos you don't always see exactly what is intended from the artist. Below are some examples to give you an idea of what WoW is all about.

From there we were able to find the rest of the group and had to take a stroll past the Colossal Squid. It is boasted as the largest preserved squid in the world and all I can say is that I wouldn't want to run into it in the ocean. At 8.2 feet long, formidable is an understatement.
Before taking our leave we made a stop in what I consider to be the best gift shop in Wellington. Yeah, we spent a considerable amount of time pouring over the jewelry, shells, books, postcards and other NZ inspired wares. Josephine found a "stuffy" she couldn't live without: a little blue penguin. Grandpa agreed and it traveled with her for the remainder of the trip. While we were still looking around the gift shop staff was trying to close up the place for the day. Soon they had us checked out and were ushering us towards the door. God forbid, you close a minute after 5pm.
From there I was wracking my brain as to where we should go for dinner. I had an idea and considered it a long shot but decided to try. I guided the group to Pizzeria Napoli and inquired as to whether they had a table for six. Now this place is always busy and just happens to be tiny so going without a reservation is a big risk. To my great surprise the waiter came back to us and said if we would wait for five minutes they would have a table for us. Yes!
Tim and I had tried this place after we returned from Europe where our last stop was Rome. If you remember I made it my goal to eat pizza everyday and it was beyond amazing. So to our great delight this place, right here in Wellington, has pizza very very similar to what we had in Rome. Now this is truly remarkable because I wouldn't say that NZ does pizza particularly well. :)
We soon settled around our table and began to peruse the menu. First we ordered drinks and appetizers; delicious arancini (deep fried balls of rice with spices) and bruschetta (the traditional toasted bread heaped with tomatoes, basil and olive oil). Simply scrumptious. Next we ordered the pizzas: a traditional Margherita (mozzarella, tomatoes and basil leaves), Vesuvius (a spicy combination of pepperoni, chili oil and olives), Positano (prosciutto ham, provolone and rocket) and a special pizza for Linda that was made with a gluten free base, vegan cheese (I'm still wondering what was in it...) and toppings of roasted peppers, artichoke hearts, mushrooms and manuka smoked ham. After we had ordered one of the chefs came out to double check the details for mom's pizza. He was very concerned and said that the one she specified had meat on it but they could take it off for her. She assured him that the ham would be fine and then looked at me after he departed from the table. Then I realized the confusion and said, "He thinks you're a vegetarian because you ordered the pizza with vegan cheese.
Soon after the pizzas arrived and they were to die for. They're baked in a stone oven and the crust is absolutely amazing. And the flavor combinations of the different toppings are incredible. I would never hesitate to go back there. The fam was impressed as this was a very different kind of pizza experience. I think I was most impressed at how they accommodated mom's food allergies so she was able to enjoy the experience with the rest of the group. I even had a couple pieces of her pizza and I have to say it was pretty good. :) Thoroughly stuffed we headed back to the rental house and lounged the rest of the evening away.
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