Sunday, November 24, 2013


It's the end of November and I've been so busily distracted with work that I realized a few days ago that it's the end of November! And that means shifting into Christmas mode: setting up the tree, writing Christmas cards, and watching Christmas movies while working on jigsaw puzzles. Since the season is suddenly upon us we decided to venture out and see if we could find some twinkle lights to put up in our living room area. Alas we found some sweet colored LEDs and after a quick stop at Starbucks headed home to put them up.

With some much appreciated 3M Command strips sent from home (here they would be exponentially more expensive) we measured the space and put them up at the appropriate intervals.

They stretched around the room and we had a few left over. I was happy with the end result and ready to plop down on the couch and admire our handywork but Timmy was counting the extra lights on the end of the cord and calculating how 'if we could add just five more to each section then it would be perfect'. I left this task up to him because I wasn't fussed either way so he went around, step ladder in tow, and adjusted each section of the strand until it evened out exactly where the two ends met in one of the corners.

He even tucked the excess cord away on the top of our bed module so we can't see the extra cord that would hang down to the ground. :) Attention to detail does pay off and I have to say it's looks so incredibly cozy. The only weird thing was that our neighbors across the courtyard watched the entire process undoubtedly wondering, "What are they doing over there? They have some sort of lights on a string....". Again, things are different in New Zealand. Without a doubt we will be the only unit that has any Christmas decorations up for the season. I'm not surprised that people don't seem that into Christmas here; it is summer. But nevertheless it breaks my heart as I've always enjoyed the traditions of the season and miss them terribly when we are so far away from home. With that said we are determined not to hate and have decided to embrace the 'Kiwi Christmas' activity of choice this year: beaching it on Christmas Day. :) Bizarro but we'll give it a try! Our next tasks include setting up the tree and writing out Christmas cards so we can get them into the mail with enough time to make it to all of our North American family and friends. Our deadline in December 4th so we need to get cracking on them this week!

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