Sunday, November 24, 2013


Under a drizzling sky last Friday we set off for school and decided to treat ourselves and take the bus. We arrived with a few minutes to spare and I was telling Timmy about what was sure to be a crazy day. These days I run experiments in the lab from 9am-5pm. But on Friday I was running additional experiments on top of the normal ones and therefore had to be in before 8am to complete the copious amounts of prep work to start by 9am with the intention of being out of the shared experimental room by noon so the next student could use it.

That morning I realized there was no milk for our cereal (damn. damn!) so being the faithful breakfaster that I am I dutifully put some Cheerios into a tupperware container and decided I'd scarf it down when I had a spare moment sometime that morning.

So we're waiting for the bus and Tim turns to me and asks, "Are you doing surgeries today?". As soon as the "no" was out of my mouth he was darting across the street to the gas station. I smiled to myself knowing that he was buying me a blueberry Red Bull, my favorite, to kick start my crazy day. :) That moment right there made my day.

The bus whisked us up to campus where I hurried to the lab and began setting up my regular experiment and as well as the extra one I had slated for 8am-12pm that morning. It was continual running around the lab to ensure that everything was set to go. A colleague of mine was nice enough to start my first experiment so I could focus on the other simultaneously running experiment! I was happy that my one off experiment only ran until 11:30 so I had time to move all my stuff out of the room. This happened just in time for me to swap over my ongoing experiment to the next group. Run, run, run! Once everything was squared away I took a breath and looked at the clock. Almost 12:30pm. Time for breakfast. In all the chaos I hadn't had two spare moments to eat my cereal and remember I'd just been running on one blueberry Red Bull. So I went downstairs fetched my Cheerios. My colleagues, who were just sitting down to lunch, chuckled when they saw my cereal but soon quieted down when I said, "This was my first chance to eat breakfast". I scarfed the lot down and rushed back into the lab. The afternoon wasn't quite as crazy but the next time I had a chance to sit down it was nearly 4pm. I collapsed into my desk chair and started eating lunch when Tim messaged me to say that some of the folks from his lab were meeting for beers at 4pm. I told him that I still had an hour of experiments to go and would meet up with them afterwards. Sigh. Big sigh. Don't get me wrong I enjoy my work but breakfast at 12:30pm - that's just wrong! :)

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