Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Since December is almost upon us I've started listening to Christmas music during the random moments when I'm not running nonstop through the lab, practicing rollerskating or sleeping. The other night I sat down to cruise the web and first opened my Pandora Christmas station. Immediately, somehow miraculously, I felt the insanity of the day pull away from me. Granted nothing had really changed but I suddenly felt better. Felt better about work, wait a minute, I was no longer thinking about work and therein I realized I had found a place to rest. These days rest is coming to us less and less. We are carrying out intensive research projects that do not follow the traditional work week as well as volunteer commitments and recreational activities like skating. So amongst all of that I'm happy to say that, regardless how silly it may sound, there's something about the Christmas holiday that makes me feel at home. With that said I can see now why I've so staunchly clung to my snowy, Northern hemisphere Christmas traditions since moving to NZ. They have always been and will forever be a comfort to me. So regardless the incongruity I will set up an evergreen Christmas tree, celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 6th, work jigsaw puzzles and watch Christmas movies. I can't help it; wherever I go it will be a joyful part of me that I must embrace! :)

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