Monday, August 6, 2012

The beginning....

A few days ago I opened a word document at school and began a process that I can't imagine completing. It's the big one. Bigger than any paper I've ever written. It will make my master's thesis look like a small set of notes, just some thoughts on research. It is my dissertation. The word itself just looks foreboding. So it begins with a small portion of what will be one of many methods sections that I will write. And then rewrite a couple of times. The task seems mammoth, ominous and near impossible even though I still have the majority of my three years to complete it. Yet, somewhere, deep inside me there's a tiny bit of excitement surrounding the fact that I'm starting my PhD research and beginning to put these ideas, thoughts and procedures down on paper. It's actually happening; a sentiment that was brought back to me once again when I went to save those first few pages. I created a new folder: Dissertation. Soon I'll be swimming in drafts. :)

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