Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Even after six months (six, can you believe it?) in Wellington we are continually finding new restaurants, cafes and bars (pubs) that we want to try. I fear that if we move away after graduation we will have barely scratched the surface of Wellington's gustatory delights! :) With that said we aim to keep exploring and trying as we go - it makes for such a good time.

This past weekend we went out to watch the All Blacks play the Australian national team, the Wallabies. Our venue choice was a new one: D4 on Featherston. Good atmosphere, except for the smokers coming and going through a sliding patio door out onto a balcony. Shutting the door proved to be a challenge for most of them. Born. In. A. Barn.

The following day we went out for lunch with Tim's lab group. With spouses and families in tow we probably numbered forty-five people and had the longest table I've ever seen set up in a restaurant. :) The eatery was another new one for us: One Red Dog. Great food, good company and fun decor! We will definitely go back. :)

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