Thursday, November 3, 2011

To Laugh or To Cry

At this moment, the house could be labeled a disaster zone by the government. People always say that things sometimes have to get worse before they get better. Right. This is way worse. While we've found homes for most everything we own, taken an embarrassingly large pile of recycling out of the garage and filled several bags full of clothes to donate, there remains a myriad of things that need to be sorted.

Yesterday we informed our property management company that we will be leaving Bozeman the 19th of December. They seemed genuinely surprised to learn that we would actually give them our 'notice to vacate' without wanting to move out early. What? I didn't realize you could do this any other way. They then told us that they would want to show the unit to potential renters and would give us 24 hours notice.

Yeah. So, about that. I was hoping they wouldn't call before the end of next week. That is, after Tim had left with most of our stuff. Then we would have an empty apartment - perfect for viewing. Instead, Tim got a call yesterday saying that they were bringing people by on Friday. Enter the title of this post. I did laugh when he told me about this. Out loud. I was looking around at what used to be our living room; now just a room full of piles. I did laugh but in reality I wanted to cry.

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