Wednesday, October 26, 2011

White Christmas

Working in the Macy's linens department, I fold towels. Hundreds. Thousands. I'd be curious to know how many I've folded in the two years I've worked there. I was folding away today when I glanced over at the "home" entrance doors only to see something unexpected. I knew snow was in the forecast but nevertheless I was taken aback to see it falling. Watching the teeny, tiny snowballs drift softly to the ground brought a smile to my face. I couldn't help it - I've always lived in a place that gets snow. And although today's snow won't stick and there's sure to be warmer weather before the onslaught of winter I thought of New Zealand. Not only are the seasons reversed from what we experience here in the United States (when we arrive from our winter it will be their summer......I know, sweet) but it is very rare for Wellington to see snow. I've heard that it happens from time to time and in those instances it's front page news. No matter how much I contemplate this change I am unable to imagine living somewhere that doesn't get snow and where Christmas is celebrated in the middle of summer. Wrap your head around that one. :)

1 comment:

  1. I had similar feelings before I moved to Texas (after living most of life up until then in Wisconsin and Massachusetts). As it turns out, wearing shorts on Christmas Day is kinda fun. Thanks for sharing this blog and allowing us to follow you and Tim through your amazing adventure!
