Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Plunging into chaos....

We were feeling optimistic after slaying the front closet and decided to go wild by tackling a myriad of other sorting projects. I braced myself for what I figured would be the biggest challenge of this move: my shoes. Now if you thought handbags and scarves were abundant in my closets then maybe we shouldn't even talk about shoes. I didn't bother to count them because I knew the number could only be described as silly. To my great surprise I was able to sort with a cool head. In the end I donated about half. Ok, somebody check and make sure that I'm still me. This is Bridget. Shoe Girl. Always looking for another pair of shoes even if they're black and I already have a similar pair in the closet. Yeah, that was strange.

Next I moved on to clothes. Since you know my affinity for shoes, handbags and scarves you would think that clothes would be the ultimate sorting disaster. However, this was not the case. When I was finishing undergrad at the U of M, Minneapolis, I lived with mom. Just us girls. During that time we got into the habit of periodically sorting through our clothes and donating what we weren't using. Thank you mom for instilling this habit in me. Going through my clothes yesterday was infinitely easier than it might have been. :)

Tim went through all of his clothes as well and I'm proud to say that between the two of us we were able to donate half of each of our wardrobes. Looking at the half empty closet I felt encouraged. I think there's something to going through what you have - a kind of "refresh" if you will. Loving the feeling.

The piles downstairs in the living room have taken on a "refugee fleeing my homeland" kind of look and I keep reminding myself that this will be the state of things until we leave Bozeman. It's about eight weeks now. Ca-razy!

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