Monday, October 24, 2011

The Front Closet

So if you're reading this you know that Tim and I are in the process of packing up the house and preparing to move to Wellington, New Zealand. Indeed, we are. We've been talking about plans regarding this move for months now but have just started delving into the piles of stuff we've accumulated over the years. Now I'm not saying that we have more stuff than other people - I'm just realizing we have more stuff than I expected. Hmmm. Not sure what that means for this moving process.

As a jumping off point, I took my mom's advice and started with something small so I wouldn't get overwhelmed, I could finish it quickly and feel good about it. Enter: The Front Closet. You would think that a closet wouldn't hold that much stuff, well, just so know, it can. Yup. I went for it and started trying on coats and jackets only to find several that I forgot I had. To be perfectly honest I felt silly about this. I mean, how can you forget what you have? It. Happens. I cut the herd down by two and eyed the rest still hanging in the closet suspiciously. I was thinking, "Ok, little coats, I'll only have two bags for everything I want to bring to New Zealand". This could be difficult.

At this point I was feeling good until I moved on to handbags. I'm an admitted handbag fiend and have the evidence to back it up. Guess how many handbags were in the front closet? Guess. Just guess. Grand total: 34. Again a little embarrassing especially when I know this number is down from previous handbag totals in my life. Sigh. In the end I decided to donate most of them, as they're super cute, and kept a handful to take with or store for later. But wait, it gets better. Next I moved on to scarves. Over the last couple years I've become obsessed and wear them with every outfit when the weather deems it necesary. For a girl who is always cold that's most of the year. After digging my way through the mountain of scarves there were very few I could part with and so they must come with us! They pack small, right?

Next came mittens, gloves, hats, umbrellas, bowling shoes, bowling balls (3), several pairs of regular shoes and the vacuum. With sorting done I surveyed the living room now littered with piles to give away, to keep, to throw away and even a pile for things that don't fit in any of the other piles. Ah, moving. I. Hate. Moving. However, I'm excited for this move because it's going to be so incredibly different than any of the others. So with the front closet out of the way I shudder to think of what lies ahead. Well, it's the rest of the house. :0)

Here's to my first blog post. Not even sure I have everything set up correctly. And yes, I've been playing around with this instead of sorting and packing. Fun times.

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