Friday, November 18, 2011

New Tenants

So by the time the potential new tenants came through our apartment I didn't even care what it looked like. I assumed, "No one would want to rent this place...they'll be too distracted by the piles of stuff everywhere". With that said I was shocked to learn that they came through the apartment, they LOVED it, they asked to buy our washer and dryer and then they wanted to know if we could move out early. When Tim relayed this to me I laughed. Out loud. I mean, "sure we can move out early, pitch at tent in the snow and let you move in". Who are these people?? Our property management people told them we are moving out of the country and no, we cannot vacate early.

In the end it worked out. They loved the place, put in an application and we have our fingers crossed that there won't be any other people traipsing through our place. :)

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