Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kitchen Complications

So far the office is almost done, same with the bedroom, the bathrooms, the garage and the laundry room.  You'd think we're nearing the finish line. Wait, not so fast. There still remains one sneaky, unassuming room. The kitchen. We'd talked about breezing through the cabinets with not a care in the world - like it would take an hour or so. Right. Today I started out by clearing the four counter tops. "Perfect," I thought, "I can use each one for a different pile of stuff; one to throw away, one to give away, one to pack and store and the last for those few items I wasn't sure about". Yeah. After unloading almost all of the cupboards each of the counter tops is swimming with stuff. I thought to myself "How did we accumulate 81 glasses? (note: this is the actual count, not a silly exaggeration) there are white wine, red wine, champagne, martini, pint glasses, coffee mugs, tea cups, shot glasses, liqueur glasses, reusable cups for cold drinks, reusable cups for hot drinks.....what?!". Does everyone else have this many glasses in their kitchen??

Another room in shambles and it is crunch time. Tim is leaving with the pickup and trailer this Saturday. He's driving to Fresno, CA, where his family lives - they've been kind enough to store some of our belongings while we're away. With that said, we need to be sorted and packed before Saturday. Back to the kitchen for me. :)

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