Monday, December 1, 2014


Ok, so mom and I sit down to eat lunch at the hotel restaurant. Now this is going to sound crazy but I have to describe it. When the waitress asked if we wanted something to drink my usual mantra of "no, thank you, I'm fine with water" kicked in automatically. In Wellington we rarely order drinks because of cost so I didn't even process the fact that I'm in the US. The land of Coca-Cola. But my mom immediately jumped in and said, "Don't you want a Coke?". To which I laughed and replied, "Oh! Yes, please!". Not being able to get real Coke in NZ breaks my heart. They make regular (non-diet) Coke and distribute it throughout NZ but the bottling process is different and the end product tastes like diet even though it is not. What could be worse than something that tastes like diet but still has all the sugar?!

Not only did I get to have real Coke but it came in a tall glass filled with ice cubes. After being in NZ for almost three years this has become a novelty to me. If you go to a restaurant here odds are you will not be served any beverage over ice. It just isn't done. And I love ice cold drinks so having my favorite one over ice was a big treat. And I won't lie - I had Coke over ice many a time while in DC. :) The small joys you never knew about until you experienced something different.

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